Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Ever wondered why it's called Ramsden Road?

Wonder no more!  One resident gives us his take on it....

Old measurements although not 'universal' can be quite useful locally for map making and making boundaries (well before satellite navigation became of age) for Land Surveyors. This road would have been part of an Agricultural field (part of a larger estate parcelled up and sold).
Ramsden Road, for example, (you might ask what a strange name for a road). But then Romans called every 1000 steps 1 mile (mile=1,000 steps) and that is precisely where we get our mesurement in Miles (as Milestones on Roads) for our UK road maps. 

But if we take a road name like Ramsden Road (SW12) we can make an interesting connection.

100 feet = 1 Ramsden's chain. The Ramsden's chain (or engineer's chain) is 100 feet long, where each link is one foot long (see below). It is also possible that this chain was called after Jesse Ramsden (1735-1800), an English astronomical and scientific instrument maker. Measurements were important for local map makers and land owners selling land:

(A Ramsden chain, was used at one time for geographically surveying land.  On longer stretches, two people, one at each end of the chain, would 'flip flop' end for end.  If one person remained stationary then other could walk past the first until the chain reached its 'tether' producing a count of 1 unit measure (1 Ramsden) and then usually an iron peg placed at the desired length to be marked off.  These iron pegs were called surveyors' stakes). 

Any other local history on this Road welcome.

Friday, 1 March 2013

What should the Council do to slow down traffic?

We all unanimously agree we don't want speed bumps but what DO we want? 

These are just some of the suggestions we've heard.  How do you feel about:

a) turning Ramsden Road into a 20mph zone?
b) having a raised bump on the junction of Oldridge Road and Ramsden Road?
c) a zebra crossing on the junction of Oldridge Road and Ramsden Road as there are several nurseries/schools nearby?
d) turning Ramsden Road into an access only road from 10pm to 6am to stop lorry drivers/delivery vans from using it during unsociable hours?
e) having illuminated smiley/unhappy faces monitoring speed?
f) moving the waitrose carpark entrance to the opposite side to ease congestion?

Do you agree or object to any of the above.  Have we missed anything? 

We value your contribution and are open to your suggestions, no matter what they may be.

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Campaign to Slow Down The Traffic on Ramsden Road

Why do some drivers drive too fast down Ramsden Road?  Why do neighbouring roads have better traffic calming measures?  Can our road be made safer and quieter?

We want Wandsworth Council to investigate and take some action.  The Council has agreed to consider this if 25% of households in Ramsden Road are interested.

We will be taking a petition door to door to drum up support!

UPDATE 18/2/13
A petition has now been submitted to the Council with the signatures of 99 Ramsden Road residents supporting our campaign to SLOW DOWN THE TRAFFIC ON RAMSDEN ROAD.